Policies and Procedures:
Please click on the link to get more detailed information on the policies and procedures that we follow at Link My Plan Pty. Ltd.
Service Agreements:
To support a clear and supportive working relationship, we utilise a service agreement to do this more effectively. This is like a contract that includes the supports that will be provided, the cost and cancellation terms.
You can change providers at any time as you have choice and control of your supports within the funding framework.
Pricing arrangements and price limits:
All prices are GST Free and are provided as per the current NDIS Price Guide/Support Catalogue. https://www.ndis.gov.au/providers/pricing-arrangements/pricing-updates
Customer Transport: Transport is charged at $1.00 per km.
Non-face-to-face services: If there is work, that we need to do to support you, that is done when we are not with you, the charges for these supports will be at the same rate as the service we provide. These may include; writing reports, support plans, direct telephone, or video supports. The charges for these supports will be agreed with you.
- Cancelled Services: Services cancelled and unable to be rescheduled less than 7 days from the agreed appointment time may be charged at 100% of the agreed rate. We will declare a cancellation after waiting at the agreed appointment location for at least 15 minutes and contact with the client/representative is unsuccessful. All efforts will be made for alternative tasks to be completed during this time.
NOTE: The provider will attempt to reschedule the appointment, offer phone/teams appointments, or schedule alternative non-direct service activities (standard charges) where possible.
Provider Travel: If you live in the Metropolitan area the following travel will be applied – up to 30 minutes of travel per face-to-face support. This is dependent on the location where the team member is departing. For example; If your support person is coming from a neighbouring suburb the travel cost may only be 10 minutes. If they are coming from the other side of the river the travel may be charged up to a maximum of 30 minutes.